Safer York Business Partnership

Connect, Inform, Protect

Safer York Business Partnership (SYBP) is the new Business Crime Partnership for York.  It replaces York Business Against Crime (YBAC).

Business Crime Reduction Partnerships bring together members of the business community and other agencies, such as the police, community safety partnerships and local authorities, to work together with the aim of reducing crime against business.

SYBP is a not for profit organisation which is overseen and managed by an elected Board of Management made up of Business, Agency and other individuals with an interest in reducing crime against business in the city.

The Board is also supported by a multi-agency steering group.  Membership of the steering group includes:  North Yorkshire Police, Safer York Partnership, City of York Council, retailers, security organisations, York BID, licensees and the Shopwatch / Pubwatch radio provider amongst others. 

The role of the Steering Group is to advise the Board to ensure SYBP meets the requirements of its members.  The Board meets biannually and the Steering Group meets on a quarterly basis.

Previously, the main focus of the Safer York Business Partnership was on safeguarding the Retail and Hospitality sectors against theft, violence, and disorder targeting their employees and customers. While we will continue our efforts in this domain, it is imperative for us to broaden our scope to address larger threats as well. Given York's prominence as a city, it is vulnerable to potential acts of terrorism. Therefore, we must utilise our communication resources to assist businesses in fortifying their defences and preparing for possible major incidents. Our aim is to proactively prevent such incidents and effectively respond to them when needed.

We are:

  • Nationally accredited - Secure by Design
  • Not for profit - Membership fees used to run and improve the scheme
  • Financial transparency - Managed and reviewed by third parties
  • Accountable to Board of management
  • Registered with Information Commissioners Office
Frequently asked questions

Here are some of the questions we know people often have about the York Safer Business Partnership

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What if I only want to sign up to certain parts of the package?

It is possible to choose a SentrySIS only option - see 'Member Package' for details.

What if I don’t have a computer in store to access Sentrysis?

For those businesses who do not have access to a computer on site, the intranet system can be accessed by staff members’ personal devices/computers. Photographs can be printed off and can be displayed in a secure area in the premises, following the terms of the SYBP Data Integrity Agreement which all SentrySIS users must read and agree to before accessing the system for the first time. All photographs are marked with an originators code and a record held on the system of which user printed images and when.

How do I join?

In order to become a member of SYBP you need to complete a membership form. Please post your completed membership form to: Safer York Business Partnership, c/o Safer York Partnership, City of York Council, FREEPOST RTHH-JASA-JGAH, 2nd Floor, West Offices, Station Rise, York,YO1 6GA Or you can email it to Alternatively click the 'Join the Scheme' button above.

My City Strategy

Keeping the City Safe is a priority for Safer York Partnership, the city’s Community Safety Partnership. York City Centre is an international tourist destination, attracting over 8 million visitors per annum. The City Council has adopted the My City Strategy which recognises the tensions between a tourist destination as well as a city centre which serves its residents. At the heart of this strategy is a family friendly city centre. York has a compact mix of residential, commercial and licensed premises. This can result in conflict between different user groups and lead to a negative perception of the city as a safe place. This is not borne out by the actual crime figures and York is one of the safest cities in the UK.

Like many cities, York is changing as consumer shopping habits have changed but it’s small independent shops, festivals and events and extensive hospitality offering continue to keep it vibrant and attractive to both visitors and local residents. This will be further enhanced through the delivery of some major development plans which will ensure that York remains a popular and thriving city into the future. As the retail and business footprint has spread, out beyond the city walls and ring road, there is a role for everyone to play in working together to deliver the Community Safety Strategy through the sharing of intelligence and information.

Safer York Business Partnership has a key role to play in creating a network between the agencies with responsibility for community safety and the business community. Using the partnership’s information sharing systems, we can ensure that everybody is playing a part to make York a safe city for all to enjoy.

Jane Mowatt